This review begins with a confession – tonight was shockingly the first time I’d ever seen Lower Than Atlantis live. Despite being an admirer of the band since first hearing 2011’s Deadliest Catch, I’d never personally taken an opportunity to go see the Essex four-piece in the flesh… and they were absolutely worth the wait.
Words: Chris Horrocks / Photos: Matt Lunn
Unfortunately, it would also be the last. Tonight’s show at Manchester Academy was the opening night of the bands farewell tour. However, instead of feeling sombre, the set felt like a celebration of Lower Than Atlantis’ proudest moments; with the band and crowd in almost perfect unison for the full duration of the 90-minute set.
Feeling like a courageous weather reporter in the middle of a hurricane, I found myself engulfed in raucous circle pits throwing crowd surfers over my head – and as the outro of ‘Had Enough’ blazed through the air, I had to contend with frontman Mike Duce himself using my face for a crash mat, as he dove arse-first into the sea of flailing bodies.
Early highlights included certified pop banger ‘Emily’, transitioning into the chugging powerhouse ‘Work For It’. But the most memorable moments by far of the quintet’s final evening in the 0161, were the moments Mike Duce would steal between the songs to deliver heartfelt speeches. Sharing stories of their earliest shows and voicing his genuine appreciation and gratitude for the blessing of being onstage; he was often interrupted by the thunderous chants of “LTA, LTA, LTA” from the audience, who on a night like this were radiating pure love for the band.
The absolute pinnacle moment of the set comes later on, when Duce clambers over the barrier into the crowd to lead a campfire rendition of ‘Another Sad Song’. It’s clearly an emotional track for the band, and this is reflected in the sheer volume and passion in the singing being projected back by tonight’s unofficial fifth band member – their audience.

Lower Than Atlantis have always had a refreshing air of honesty about them. While never missing a beat onstage, the band manage to not feel unnaturally slick or overly polished, as similar acts commonly do. Itfeels like you are watching four of your mates play a show, with a couple hundred of your other friends celebrating their success. Everyone in one seemingly-electric room, oozing nothing but support and positive energy.
R.I.P Lower Than Atlantis. Lots of love, from the loud northerners.
‘Here We Go’, watch the music video below.