After a long day at work staring out the window, sending emails to feel productive, and seeing how many cups...
For those who know of the bands, this combination is a long time coming, and not just because they’ve rescheduled...
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose endless hours melting your brain on Tik Tok. Choose The Windmill,...
It’s just another rock and roll Thursday at Chalkwell Hall in Southend-on-Sea, home to the multi-arts organisation, Metal, who have...
Paolo Nutini, as unique as his name suggests, is not an artist to follow convention. Seemingly unburdened by the often-narrow...
So there we were, with feet like setting cement, standing in the cold torrential rain amongst the beggars and the...
Before seeing The Chats last Sunday, I couldn’t claim to be their biggest fan. Not out of any particular dislike...
There are nine spectators in the gallery of the Queen Elizabeth Hall, albeit socially distanced. From the looks of it...
The now seven-piece band from Chicago – headed up by Julien Ehrlich and Max Kakacek – released their second album...
Set upon cobbled stone, and overlooking the Tyne is the Riverside venue. Housing 900 people crammed against a barrier. Black...
‘What a voice.’ This is the initial reaction upon hearing Lisa O’Neill live. Although maybe a bit marmite. To the...
It feels like being in another country tonight We’re in the heart of London and yet inside the venue and...